Below are many examples of past Ambassador events organized by our fibrolamellar families. Some brought in big donations, like $20,000 – the total for the coffee socials was almost $30,000. Others brought in several hundred. Whichever the dollar amount, the commitment to raise monies for FCF is most appreciated.
Thank you for all you are doing to help find a cure!
Seek & Destroy Cancer Wrestling Event

Pictured here, front center in the Hard Rock t-shirt is Tim Widener, his wife and two daughters next to him. Tim, whose daughter Super Sadie is one of the youngest fibrolamellar patients, organized a massive pro-wrestling event in Fayetteville, NC. The wrestlers, many of whom are superstars, performed before a packed gymnasium. In addition to ticket sales benefiting FCF, Tim organized and ran an auction, photo shoots with the wrestlers and even a concert the night before the matches. Tim was supported by the large contingent of Fibro fighters, their families and FCF Board and committee members pictured above. Thank you Tim for organizing this major fund raiser and for entertaining the crowd with your own performance! You are an FCF star!
Cycle for Survival

Cycle for Survival is a nationwide event to raise money for rare cancer research. The family of Kevin Casazza, put together two teams for “KEVIN’S CREW”, all proceeds going to fibrolamellar research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. The first event was held at Equinox in Summit, New Jersey. The second event was held at the Equinox on the 50th & Broadway in New York City.
Thank you Casazza family!
The Alexander Family – Jumpin’ for Jay and Cheers to Jay

Jay Alexander passed away on November 4, 2011, at age 20, only 32 days after a tumor was found and diagnosed as Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma. The Alexander family immediately decided to honor one of Jay wishes. Jay had always wanted to sky dive and was planning to do so on his 21st birthday. That never happened so his family jumped in his honor and then several months later organized a major skydiving fundraiser for FCF – Jumpin’ for Jay. They raised over $17,000. Attached are two photos from the event, one of the Alexander family with FCF’s Lynn O’Malley holding the sign, and the second of the family wearing Jumpin’ for Jay t-shirts.

“Cheers to Jay” was held to commemorate three years since Jay Alexander’s passing. It was held November 13, 2014 at Brick Street Brews in Arkansas. $2,055.80 was raised for the Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation from the event. Shelia, Greg, and Brooke Alexander were the guest bartenders and they packed the house! Brick Street Brews serves local craft beers and wines; they donated $1 per drink to FCF. The “bartenders” donated all the tips. What a wonderful event!
Thank you to the Alexanders for all you do for FCF!

During the month of October coffee socials were hosted all over the U.S. and even a few on other continents. These coffee socials, hosted by friends of the fibrolamellar community, were designed to raise awareness and money for FCF. These events ranged from simple in-home morning coffees to more elaborate events. Approximately $28,000 was raised. One coffee social in Illinois was actually a wine glass painting party, another included a raffle at Drew University, and the ladies of AST at Radford University in Virginia had a week-long coffee social during lunch hours.
October is Fibrolamellar Coffee Month was started by Gail Trecosta, mother of Matthew 1999-2014. Gail is a source of strength to many in the fibrolamellar community and constantly supports the Foundation with her time and ideas.
Michael Carter Williams

Michael Carter-Williams of the Philadelphia 76ers is the recipient of the Eddie Gottlieb Trophy as the 2013-14 Kia NBA Rookie of the Year. As part of its support of the Rookie of the Year Award Kia Motors America donated an all-new 2015 Kia Sorento LX CUV to the Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation. Mr. Carter-Williams designated FCF as the recipient of this donation. FCF congratulates Mr. Carter-Williams on winning Rookie of the Year and is honored to be the recipient of this generous gift.

Soccer for Max Burdette

Rhodes College in Memphis, TN sponsored a soccer match to raise money for FCF in honor of Max Burdette (pictured in middle of inset) who lost his battle with fibrolamellar in 2014 at age 17. Max’s brother Paul was on the soccer team.
Approximately $1,200 was raised prior to and on the day of the event.
Team Wear Your HelMatt
Team “Wear Your HelMatt” rode for fibrolamellar patient Matthew, age 14, on Feb 10, 2013 at the Cycle for Survival event in Bethesda, Maryland. Nine team members raised donations from 84 individuals and families, totaling more than $6,000 for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center’s fight against FLC.

The Grullon Family

Zach Grullon was diagnosed with Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma in March 2010 and passed away on January 28, 2012 at 20 years old. Zach had the opportunity to sky dive with Greg Windmiller of the United States Army Golden Knights Parachute Team in 2010. In honor of Zach, The Grullon family decided to host the 1st annual three-event fundraiser on Saturday, June 2, 2012 in Fayeteville, North Carolina. The Free Fall to Fight Cancer event attracted 60 skydivers to jump tandem with over 20 volunteers from the U.S. Golden Knights and the Raeford Parachute Center. The Ride To Fight Cancer drew motorcycle riders to participate in a 50 mile ride ending at the Raeford Parachute Center. The Cruise To Fight Cancer consisted of many fancy cars also ending their ride at the Raeford Parachute Center. There were over 200 people on hand throughout the day to enjoy the Golden Knight Parachute Team demonstration, entertainment, food, raffles, silent auction, face painting, games and water rides. All three events raised over $15,000 which has been donated to the Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation.
Many thanks to the Grullon family for all their hard work and support!
Other notable events
- Cycle for Survival, NYC – Kevin’s Crew (hosted by Ellen Cassazza)
- Alpha Phi Phight Against Cancer Sumo Wrestling Competition at Syracuse University (for Tahnee Shah)
- Alpha Tau Omega (Arkansas Tech University)“Omega Factor; Lip Synching” event
- Robert’s Brewery Tour: Eat, Drink, & F!KCancer! (hosted by Robert Stockwell)
- $1 dollar challenge (Tim Widener sponsoring for Super Sadie)
- Quilt & purse raffle at the FCF family/patient gathering ( sponsored by Sandy Hawthorn)
- Hamptons Marathon (Team Tahnee)
- Crook family pumpkin carving fundraiser (in honor or Jamie Crook)
- Grete’s Great Gallop in Manhattan (Team Tahnee)
- Alpha Chi Rho & Alpha Sigma Tau (RadfordUniversity) Basketball Tournament
- El Tour de Tuscon (Team Tracy; in memory of Tracy Myers-Powers)