Giving Tuesday 2023

Each year, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving celebrates giving as a way to transform the world. Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a day that encourages people to “do good”. Over the past 11 years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity …

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FCF funds new multi-institution collaboration

FCF is please to announce that it has funded a new study directed by Roshni Dasgupta, MD of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC). Dr. Dasgupta is a leader in surgical oncology and the chair of the Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative (PSORC). PSORC includes 41 member institutions and has a mission “to improve …

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New clinical trial open in Germany

This week, a new clinical trial of a peptide vaccine treated its first patient in Tübingen, Germany. The trial, named FusionVAC22_01: Fusion Transcript-based Peptide Vaccine Combined With Immune Checkpoint Inhibition is expected to enroll 20 patients with fibrolamellar carcinoma or other cancers carrying the DNAJB1-PRKACA fusion transcript. Study goals This phase I study will examine …

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2024 fibrolamellar calendars

Thanks to the efforts of FCF’s Patient & Caregiver Advisory Board, we will be producing fibrolamellar calendars in 2024!

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FCF funds grant continuation at University of Washington

FCF has awarded a grant for additional studies to be conducted by John Scott, PhD of the University of Washington in Seattle. As the Chair of the Department of Pharmacology, Dr. Scott has been a key leader of a multi-disciplinary team working on FLC at the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center …

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Thank you to Stone Point Capital!

A heartfelt thank you goes out to Stone Point Capital, as well as the sponsors and participants in the 2023 Stone Point Capital Charity Golf Tournament. Since 2009 Stone Point Capital has dedicated the proceeds from its annual charity event to FCF.  This years event, held in Connecticut on October 2nd, raised a record amount …

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October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month

October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month, a time to show support for those who have heard the terrifying words – “you have liver cancer”. It is also a vital opportunity raise awareness and funds to improve the detection and treatment of these diseases. There are several types of primary liver cancers. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and …

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September 30 is Rare Cancer Day

Spearheaded by the National Organization of Rare Disorders’ (NORD) Rare Cancer Coalition, Rare Cancer Day is observed on September 30 each year to highlight the challenges facing rare cancer patients and the need for greater research funding. Rare cancers are those affecting fewer than 40,000 people per year in the US. Because of their low …

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September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month

While childhood cancer is rare, it is the leading disease-related cause of death in children and adolescents. Worldwide, approximately 400,000 children and adolescents develop cancer each year, only half of whom are diagnosed. In recognition of this issue, September is internationally recognized as “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month”. During this time, organizations and families around the …

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