Diagnosed in 2009
Cody was a very energetic, adventurous and hardworking young man. He was a senior at Arkansas Tech University majoring in history and political science when he was diagnosed with Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma. He was planning on attending law school after graduation. Cody’s passions in life were hunting, fishing and Kappa Sigma.
In April 2009, Cody was diagnosed with FHC. Looking back, his symptoms started about two years before his diagnosis. In that time span, he continually grew more exhausted and had more and more trouble with his GI tract. In August 2007 and December 2007, Cody had to have simple mastectomies due to lumps in his breasts. The surgeon did not know why this was happening and could not give us an explanation. In hind sight, we now know that it was due to the FHC. During this time, Cody was tested for mono, anemia and hepatitis many times due to the fatigue. He was misdiagnosed several times.
After having several blood tests showing high liver function levels, he was finally sent for an ultrasound and then a biopsy after the tumor was found. He had a liver resection done on May 6, 2009 at the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences in Little Rock, AR. Being very determined, he walked to receive his diploma on May 23, 2009, just 2 ½ weeks after major surgery. It was not until September 2009 that the doctors found that the cancer had metastasized to his lungs.
Cody started on a chemo regime consisting of Interferon and Xeloda. This held the cancer at bay for about 9 months at which point the cancer began to grow again. Cody and his family decided to get a second opinion at MD Anderson. Cody’s first visit there was in Oct. 2010. He was then put on a chemo regimen of Avastin and Xeloda. It did not help. After three months he started on Nexavar. Cody was on Nexavar for 6 months when the cancer began to grow again.
At this point, Cody decided to try whole food supplements and diet. He continued this for 4 months. Cody was getting fluid built up in his abdomen and eventually had a drain put in. Cody then did two rounds of a 5 day chemo in the hospital consisting of Cisplatin, Doxirubicon and Interferon. This made him very sick and he never bounced back.
In Jan 2012, he went to Houston to the Burzynski Clinic for treatment. He was only there for one week. Cody knew that he had come to the end of his fight. He wanted to come back to Arkansas for his final days. Cody lost his battle on January 16, 2012.
“You can live your life however you want to. But remember, you only have one life to live so live it well.” Cody Mabery