John Hopper, who has led FCF for the past eight years, has informed us that he plans to retire. Until his retirement, John’s efforts will help accelerate FLC research by identifying potential new funding sources. We are very appreciative of all John has done and are pleased for the support he will provide the Foundation during this transition period.

We are extremely pleased to report that Kurt Losert will become the new CEO of FCF going forward. Kurt has been very actively involved with the Foundation for the past two years in efforts including redesigning our website and running our first Patient & Research Summit. His expertise and commitment to this cause is inspiring. In addition to facing the loss of his wife due to fibrolamellar carcinoma, Kurt brings to FCF experience as a management consultant and technology executive, having worked for McKinsey & Company, Compaq and several small software and services companies. We are grateful that Kurt has stepped up to lead the organization.
FCF is in its 14th year. Much has been accomplished. Much, much more is left to be done. We are exceedingly grateful to John, Kurt, Anne, Lynn, Megen, Mark, Patty, The Board, Stone Point and all who have been helpful in this effort, and we move ahead with optimism and enthusiasm.
Keep on Tuckin’!
Marna Davis & Chuck Davis, Co-Chairmen