The Fibrolamellar Research Collaboration Travel Fund has officially launched, following the second international fibrolamellar (FLC) research summit hosted by the FCF. The summit fostered an amazing amount of data sharing and collaborative brainstorming amongst some of the world’s greatest researchers. It was suggested by the attendees that “face-to-face” meetings are significant catalysts to facilitate ongoing collaboration, and that FCF could help encourage this by having a specific travel fund available for this purpose.
In response FCF has launched a travel fund open to all researchers who have a specific FLC initiative where in person meetings would help facilitate progress.
Guidelines for receiving grants from this fund are simple:
- Submit a 1-2 paragraph grant request via email to
- Provide confirmation and/or explanations for the following: funds are for face-to-face collaborative meetings which must be solely focused on fibrolamellar
- State the case as to why this meeting is important
- Meeting report to be submitted as follow up within 30 days
- Travel budget estimate to be submitted and approved by FCF prior to travel
- Confirm your institution’s nonprofit status (funds are not available for commercial organizations)
Grantees are responsible for their own travel arrangements.
The FCF team will review the travel fund request and reply within 30 days. FCF has sole discretion as to which organizations or individuals will be granted travel funding.
IF you have any questions, please feel free to contact Megen McKinney at