The second Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation Scientific Summit was held in Stamford, CT, USA, in November 2017. The goals of this meeting were to gather a diverse set of investigators, stimulate new collaborations, and devise new ways to inspire additional interest in the field. This meeting summary outlines the work supported by the Foundation and presented at the meeting and illustrates the significant progress in understanding fibrolamellar carcinoma (FLC) that has been been made by attendees. The Scientific Summit also developed a “road map” for a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to improve outcomes for patients with fibrolamellar carcinoma.
The key authors of the paper are Drs. Ted Kastenhuber, Ghassan Abou-Alfa, and John Craig who coordinated the writing and editing. FCF thanks these doctors for their time and commitment to this article.
The full report can be viewed below: