The FCF Biobank
FCF supports projects in need of fibrolamellar carcinoma biospecimens by providing authorized researchers access to tissue samples held in the Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation Biobank. This biobank is operated in partnership with the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA.
Distribution of Biobank samples for research

Under an IRB-approved research protocol, FCF collects, stores and distributes biospecimens and associated de-identified clinical data that were generously donated by fibrolamellar patients. Currently, samples from approximately 40 surgical cases are available. Samples are preserved in various formats including flash frozen, frozen in cryopreservation media, and formalin fixed (FFPE).
Aliquots of these biospecimens are available to researchers worldwide for FLC-specific research.
For more information, or to request samples and/or clinical data please contact Patty Cogswell, our Biobank Coordinator, at