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Rare Disease Day 2023

February 28th is Rare Disease Day — a worldwide event hoping to improve the lives of the 300 million people worldwide who are living with rare diseases by raising awareness about the impact of rare diseases among policy makers, the scientific community and the general public. It was launched in 2008 by EURODIS and takes place on the …

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Article documents additional downstream effects of FLC fusion

A new study, recently published in eLife by Dr. John Gordan of UCSF, elaborates some of the downstream effects of protein kinase A (PKA) in certain cancers, including fibrolamellar. Genetic alterations that activate PKA are found in many cancer types (such as the DNAJB1-PRKACA fusion in FLC), but how that signalling leads to cancer formation …

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Amara Strande advocates for new legislation in Minnesota

Amara Strande, a FLC patient, and her family have joined legislators in Minnesota to advocate for changes to protect communities from toxic chemicals. “2022 is the year my cancer became unstoppable,” 20-year-old Amara Strande said in her presentation to the committee. “They can’t do surgery this time. There are no more treatments to try,” Strande …

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New FCF research grant issued to University of Washington

FCF is pleased to announce that we have awarded Dr. Venu Pillarisetty of the University of Washington a two-year grant entitled “Therapeutic modulation of tumor-infiltrating T cell function in fibrolamellar carcinoma (FLC)”. Immunotherapy – harnessing patients’ immune systems to attack tumor cells – has become established as an exceptionally promising approach for cancer treatment.  Prior …

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Pre-clinical grant awarded to Dr. Gordan of UCSF

FCF has recently awarded John Gordan, MD, PhD of University of California San Francisco (UCSF) a one-year grant to study “Selective translational inhibition as a treatment strategy for fibrolamellar liver cancer.”This proof-of-concept proposal will focus on testing for activity of an investigational drug zotatifin (eFT226) against human FLC tumors grown in mice. Previously, Gordan’s work …

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… No More Smile

Unfortunately, Amazon has announced that their AmazonSmile charitable donation program is being discontinued as of February 20, 2023. Until that date, 0.5% of customer purchases made via AmazonSmile will continue to be directed towards a user’s choice of charity. We appreciate the support that this Amazon program has provided FCF over the last several years, …

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Grant awarded to Johns Hopkins University for protocol development

FCF is pleased to announce a new one-year grant award to Mark Yarchoan of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD to support the development of a protocol for a potential clinical trial. In 2020, the Johns Hopkins team began a phase I clinical trial of an experimental vaccine containing a peptide (small segment of a …

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New grant awarded to Dr. Bardeesy of Mass General Hospital

FCF is pleased to announce that Dr. Nabeel Bardeesy of the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA has been awarded a new two-year grant entitled “Elucidation of nuclear-mitochondrial signaling by DNAJ-PKAc to define targeted vulnerabilities in FLC”. In fibrolamellar carcinoma (FLC) the development and growth of tumor cells is driven by the presence of the …

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Support FLC research this GivingTuesday

Each year on GivingTuesday, millions of people come together to celebrate generosity, share kindness and donate to causes they care about. A celebration of all types of generosity, GivingTuesday inspires people around the world to give gifts of money, time, skills, advocacy, and more. Everyone has something to give and every act of generosity counts. …

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