September 30 is Rare Cancer Day

Spearheaded by the National Organization of Rare Disorders’ (NORD) Rare Cancer Coalition, Rare Cancer Day is observed on September 30 each year to highlight the challenges facing rare cancer patients and the need for greater research funding. Rare cancers are those affecting fewer than 40,000 people per year in the US. Because of their low …

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September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month

While childhood cancer is rare, it is the leading disease-related cause of death in children and adolescents. Worldwide, approximately 400,000 children and adolescents develop cancer each year, only half of whom are diagnosed. In recognition of this issue, September is internationally recognized as “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month”. During this time, organizations and families around the …

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Research partnership established with Dana-Farber

FCF is please to announce that it has established a new partnership with the Center for Patient Derived Models (CPDM) at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. The purpose of this new relationship is to expand, characterize and distribute existing models of FLC; create new FLC models; and make them readily available to the researcher …

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FCF funds planned clinical trial at Johns Hopkins

We are pleased to announce that FCF has awarded Dr. Marina Baretti and Dr. Mark Yarchoan of Johns Hopkins University a grant to launch a new clinical trial for FLC patients. Both investigators have extensive experience in treating patients with FLC and in the development of immunotherapies. They already have collaborated closely on the clinical …

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FCF establishes partnership with Dracen Pharmaceuticals

FCF is pleased to announce that it has entered into a partnership agreement with Dracen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to supply a glutamine antagonist pro-drug, DRP-104 (sirpiglenastat), for a planned clinical trial in fibrolamellar patients. Under the agreement, Dracen will provide the product, as well as regulatory and operational support for the trial. In fibrolamellar carcinoma, recent …

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FCF awards grant to Princess Maxima Center

FCF is pleased to announce the award of a grant to Benedetta Artegiani, PhD of the Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology (Utrecht, The Netherlands) and Delilah Hendriks, PhD of the Hubrecht Institute (Utrecht, The Netherlands). This new 2 year grant, entitled “Unravelling the tumorigenic requirements of fibrolamellar carcinoma using novel engineered DNAJB1-PKRACAfus and BAP1KO; …

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Registration open for 2023 Patient & Family Gathering

Registration for FCF’s 2023 Patient & Family Gathering is now open! Each year, the Patient & Family Gathering is a key event on the Foundation calendar. FCF considers gathering patients and families to be part of our mission, as knowing each other and being together brings strength and support to the group. This weekend event …

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June is Cancer Immunotherapy Month

Since 2011, immunotherapies have become an important treatment for more than 20 types of cancer, with that number set to increase. The Cancer Research Institute (CRI), a nonprofit organization dedicated to fueling the discovery and development of immunotherapies for all types of cancer, has declared the month of June “Cancer Immunotherapy Month” to highlight that …

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Guy Levy joins Board of Directors

FCF is pleased to announce that Guy Levy has joined FCF’s Board of Directors. As our key leadership body, the Board of Directors helps assess and approve FCF’s research grants, and ensures that all important FCF decisions are in keeping with our mission and goals. Guy’s background and experience should be invaluable to the Foundation. He …

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