
Jaime Crook joins Patient & Caregiver Advisory Board

FCF is pleased to announce that Jaime Crook has joined our Patient & Caregiver Advisory Board. This group of highly committed volunteers meet and share their perspectives to help improve FCF’s research, educational, and support programs to better serve patients and families fighting this awful disease. 

When she was six years old, Jamie regularly complained of pain and nausea. After many trips to urgent care centers and hospitals, Jaime a lemon size tumor was discovered in the left lobe of her liver and another one in her main bile duct blocking the flow of bilirubin. A surgical resection removed the left lobe of her liver and her main bile duct. Fortunately, her margins were clear, and the cancer had not spread to her lymph nodes.

A long-term survivor, Jaime, now 18, has been cancer free for eleven years. This September she is heading to college at Colorado Mesa University. We welcome her to the team!
