
On-line registration open for FLC Patient & Research Summit

Virtual registration is still open for FCF’s second Fibrolamellar Patient & Research Summit to be held on Sunday, June 9 through Monday, June 10 in Greenwich, Connecticut. This summit is meant to be a collaborative working session in which fibrolamellar patients, caregivers, clinicians and researchers discuss the current state of FLC research, share perspectives, and identify improvement opportunities for the community. The complete agenda for the event can be read here.

Brainstorming session at FCF’s 2022 Summit

Both the keynote discussion on Sunday evening (focusing on mental health) and the Monday sessions discussing research progress are open to virtual participation. The brainstorming session and patient and caregiver panel discussions on Monday afternoon will not be streamed to maintain the intimacy of the event.

To attend the event virtually, please click on the links below to register for each session: