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How to use the directory

  • Select either the “U.S. Search” or “International Search” tab to view a map with the locations of all doctors in the database
  • Filter the list of physicians by specialty and/or location by using the drop-down boxes and clicking “search”, or enter the name of a specific doctor, city or institution in the “keyword search” box
  • View the details and contact information for individual physicians by clicking a map pin, or scrolling through the provider list displayed underneath the map.

    Note: If you’d like to update or add an entry to our database, please click here.

Andras Heczey MD

Director, Liver Tumor Program; Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics

Texas Children's Hospital / Baylor College of Medicine

1102 Bates Ave.
Suite 1760.10
Houston, Texas 77030

Additional detail:

Research focuses on developing novel treatments for children with solid tumors by redirecting the immune system to attack cancer cells. As the Director of the Liver Tumor Center, Dr. Heczey has developed a strategy to target hepatoblastoma and hepatocellular carcinoma with genetically engineered T lymphocytes and he is currently optimizing this strategy for a smooth transition into the clinic.
