Joe’s House is not an actual house, but a nonprofit organization that helps cancer patients and their families find a place to stay when traveling away from home for medical treatment. It lists cancer treatment centers and hospitals across the country with nearby lodging facilities that offer a discount. Although Joe’s House caters to cancer patients, any patient, regardless of diagnosis may use the lodging facilities listed.

Northwestern Mutual Foundation offers two scholarships: one for childhood cancer survivors and one for siblings of those affected by childhood cancer. These students deserve every opportunity to pursue higher education and continue to achieve their dreams. Both are open to individuals of age 25 and under, who plan to continue their education in college or vocational school programs. Their scholarship program is currently the only cancer-related scholarship program that honors the challenges that siblings of patients endure.

The Samfund provides support to young adults who are struggling financially because of cancer. Through direct financial assistance and free online support and education, the Samfund helps young adults survive and move forward with their lives after cancer. Examples of Samfund grants include helping young adult survivors get out from under medical debt, start a family, pay back student loans, or keep their home.

Elephants and Tea is a media company with the mission to help adolescent and young adult patients, survivors and caregivers know they are not alone in their fight with cancer. The Elephant in the room is cancer. Tea is the relief conversation provides. Be Heard. Join the Herd.

Spare Key’s mission is to provide assistance to families with a critically ill or seriously injured family member. No matter the illness, no matter the injury, no matter the income. They help families “Bounce and Not Break” through their Help Me Bounce platform, harnessing the power of crowdfunding to connect thousands of families directly to donors. Spare Key is committed to helping families stay by their loved one’s side by relieving the stress, anxiety and financial burden that comes with a medical crisis.

“Fibrolamellars of the World Unite!” is a closed Facebook group, so only those touched by the disease can be part of it. We encourage all newly diagnosed patients and their families to join. FWU! is a place where FLC patients and caregivers can exchange information, share experiences, and support one another. Just go to Facebook, type in the group name and request to be included. An administrator for the group will get back to you quickly.

The Fibrolamellar Registry is focused on helping patients advance research into fibrolamellar by sharing their medical information with researchers. Its patient registry gathers survey information, medical histories, and test results for patients with FLC, and stores them in a highly secure database.